quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2007

Top 20 Década de 50

01. Rastros de Ódio (56), de John Ford
02. Um Corpo que Cai (58), de Alfred Hitchcock
03. No Silêncio da Noite (50), de Nicholas Ray
04. A Marca da Maldade (58), de Orson Welles
05. Onde Começa o Inferno (59), de Howard Hawks
06. Cantando na Chuva (52), de Genne Kelly & Stanley Donen
07. Os Incompreendidos (59), de François Truffaut
08. Anatomia de um Crime (59), de Otto Preminger
09. Crepúsculo dos Deuses (50), de Billy Wilder
10. O Alucinado (53), de Luis Buñuel
11. Shadows (59), de John Cassavetes
12. Juventude Transviada (55), de Nicholas Ray
13. Hiroshima Meu Amor (59), de Alain Resnais
14. Meu Tio (58), de Jacques Tati
15. O Homem Errado (56), de Alfred Hitchcock
16. O Grande Golpe (56), de Stanley Kubrick
17. Janela Indiscreta (54), de Alfred Hitchcock
18. Verão Violento (59), de Valerio Zurlini
19. Johnny Guitar (54), de Nicholas Ray
20. Belíssima (51), de Luchino Visconti

sábado, 15 de setembro de 2007

We're Only in It For the Money

Mom & Dad

Someone said they made some noise
The cops have shot some girls & boys
You'll sit home & drink all night
They looked too weird...it served
them right
Mama! Mama!
Someone said they made some noise
The cops have shot some girls & boys
You'll sit home & drink all night
They looked too weird...it served
them right
Ever take a minute just to show a real
In between the moisture cream & velvet
facial lotion?
Ever tell your kids you're glad that
they can think?
Ever say you loved 'em? Ever let 'em
watch you drink?
Ever wonder why your daughter looked
so sad?
It's such a drag to have to love a plastic
Mom & Dad
Mama! Mama!
Your child was killed in the park today
Shot by the cops as she quietly lay
By the side of the creeps she knew...
They killed her too.

O irmão malvado do sargento pimenta. E talvez seja até melhor: mais engraçado, cínico e pesado (principalmente em relação às letras, como vocês podem ver acima - e isso foi apenas uma pequena amostra). Em compensação, não tem She's Leaving Home ou A Day in the Life.


send a transmission to the one armed scissor, cut away, cut away.

Ok, tudo funcionando direitinho.